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Friday, 25 March 2011

Purge Violent Extremism II

You all might have remembered the event to counter violent extremism I hosted a few weeks back? After hosting this event I did say I would be uploading the footage of the event so you could all see what it was about, but due to the sensitive nature of the discussions in the footage and being required to protect the identity of our speakers I had to go a different way when making the video. Here is the resulting video:

Let me know what you thought of the video and if you want to subscribe to my YouTube channel that would help get my boss of my back.

Stay Safe
- Obi-wan Mikenobi


  1. A video about the truth. Violent extremism needs to be stopped because there are too many problems in the world already to be killing!

  2. Peace and violence are the two sided coin of humanity. Both exist and have the potential to come out of any one of us.

    Personal accountability keeps most of us on peace, but we can't deny that the violence exists there, and as a species humanity needs to learn how to use it effectively.

  3. Its incredible what we humans do to each other.. why can we all just get along ? :/

  4. It's amazing how we act when we are afraid of ideas that are different than the ones we cling to.

    Nice little video!

  5. People blow me away. I mean....I guess it's the fact that I grew up being told that everyone believes what they believe just as much as you believe what you believe, and so long as nobody is getting hurt, there should be harmony. I guess I was lied to.

  6. Very deep message.

    Good article man ;D

  7. well most of that will go away if we get rid of religion and the retards that believe it.

  8. Why can't we all just be friends..? It really saddens me to see things like violent extremism and whatnot..
